Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Politics the source of most controversy on

All top 5 of the most commented stories on revolve around politics, and more specifically the primary race between Senators Obama and Clinton. The nation as a whole is transfixed by the competitive race and readers in Washington, the political capital of the country, are no exception. There are many reasons why this is such a popular story. This is the first election where either a woman or an African-American will have a realistic chance at becoming president of the United States of America. Also, the fierceness of the close race has led to many controversial battles between the two candidates which has put a lot of pressure on the Democratic party as a whole. The longer the race continues the worse shape the party will be in for the general election, which is a major cause for concern among all democrats. After suffering through the last 8 years of George W. in the White House, the last thing most democrats want is the continued in fighting of the party, which will only serve to hurt the candidate who is able to pull out the democratic nomination. All these reasons contribute at least a little to the vast array of comments about what most consider the most unique primary race in U.S. history.


lahair75 said...

Do you think if it wasn't a woman running against an African American this topic would be as thriving?

Emily said...

I agree that many are commenting on articles about politics because people want to see change. Do you think the voices in these comments are affecting the way people are making their voting choices?

CoryG. said...

It is nice to see the country paying attention and if it takes a diverse race to do so, then so be it.