Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Disaster strikes the Democratic party in the form of delusional politician Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton's victory in the Pennsylvania primary is the worst possible outcome for the Democratic party. She is still no closer to catching Senator Obama's lead in the delegate count, the super-delegate count or the popular vote. Instead, she is keeping her party wrapped up in an intense, increasingly more and more self-defeating primary race that only serves to give Republicans and their nominee Senator McCain more ammunition to use in the general election. It is inevitable Mr.Obama will pull out the nomination, the question just becomes when? When will Hillary finally come back to earth and realize she has no realistic chance, short of an act of god, to win? When will she give in and admit defeat? It is already almost May, and democrats need to rally around one candidate and start preparing for the general election, which is only several short months away. The best case scenario will be a sweep for Obama in the next two primaries coming up in two weeks, which should serve as cold hard slap of reality to Senator Clinton. Being realistic however, is clearly not part of Clinton's political strategy or she would have thrown in the towel long ago when it became evident to everyone following the primary that her defeat was not a matter of if, but a matter of when.

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