Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Letter to Karin Wahl-Jorgansen

Dear Karin Wahl-Jorgansen,

I just finished reading your book "Journalists and the Public: Newsroom Culture, Letters to the Editor and Democracy." The book was assigned for my journalism class at U-mass, which is a class based primarily on the subject of feedback journalism. My professor said this was the first time he has used your book in one of his classes. In my opinion your book definitely illustrated your academic knowledge of the journalism field but I felt it had more of a textbook feel than it should have. Many students in the class were unhappy about the boring prose of most of your chapters as well its repetitiveness. I feel if you had used more personal examples and written in a more engaging style your book would have been more of a success in our classroom and overall as well. I'm sure, however, that with your strong knowledge of journalism your style can improve, especially as you hear reader feedback from students such as myself.


Jamaal Bollinger

1 comment:

AD said...

Nice point. The prose never caught my attention of contributing to the dryness of the book, but after you mention it I can see how it had a negative effect.