Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Obama Loses!

Barack Obama has lost! Not the primary, just a single state, but however the fact remains he lost. The Illinois Senator had won 12 states in a row, prior to Senator Clinton winning Ohio, which she won by a pretty comfortable margin as well. The question then must be asked, what does this mean? Unfortunately the results of Texas are still pending at this late hour, but regardless of who wins because of the closeness of the race, Senator Clinton most likely will not be dropping out of the race. Personally, I was hoping for another Obama sweep which would have forced Clinton to give up as she really would have had no realistic chance to win the nomination. Instead, the race for the democratic nomination will probably go on for a long while more, and meanwhile the Republicans have secured their candidate in Mr. McCain. This gives the Republicans an advantage as they can freely bash democrats, without much of a response, due to the fact Clinton and Obama will still be busy duking it out with each other trying to determine a winner.

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